Spirit of Life Church, Jacksonville, FL
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
We spread the gospel through love, acceptance, and giving of ourselves for Jesus.



Whether this is your first time visiting with us, or your hundredth, we want you to know how excited we are to have you here! Finding a Church Home is not very easy. Most of us are looking for a church family where we feel welcomed. We look for a church that can help us with our personal spiritual growth and a place we fit in. We extend a welcome to those who are retired, newlyweds, single, married, divorced, widowed, gay, LGTB, confused, rich, comfortable, or poor. All are welcomed.

Whether you have already made the decision to become a member or are merely open to try us out, we thank the Lord for your being here to share His word with us.

Since we all were new, at one time, and we remember what it's like please find the following information. It’s always more comfortable to visit a new church when you know what to expect.



General Questions

Will I be able to follow along with the service?

Services are projected and have an easy to follow format.


Do I need to become a member of Spirit of Life to participate in worship and other activities?

No. You are always welcome to participate in any or all activities.


Can I take Communion? 

As a member of the ELCA we practice “Open Communion” All baptized Christians are welcomed at the table. You don't have to be Lutheran to receive the Sacrament.  All who are baptized and believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, are welcome to receive Holy Communion.  This gift is itself the real presence of God's forgiveness and mercy.  


I just want to watch for now. I am worried they will try to involve me or sign me up.

We want you to feel comfortable and participate in whatever way you want.


Will I be asked to stand up in front of everyone?  



Do I have to dress up for worship?

No, come as you are.


Will children be welcomed at worship as I know my child is going to be noisy?

Yes, they are always welcome.

Are there programs for children and youth outside of worship?

This is a work in progress, and we would love for you to come and help us develop our children’s and student program. 

Am I required to give money at worship?

Of course not. it’s not mandatory whatsoever. But the money that you do contribute helps keep the church doors open, and it gives us the opportunity to reach out and talk to the community, as well as to help others.


Need More Information?

Is there anyone to ask if I have other questions about Spirit of Life or would like to join the congregation?

Please contact our office secretary (904) 757-9114 Email: chur5900@bellsouth.net

Before and after worship, any one of our members would be more than willing to answer any question you may have. When you arrive or as you leave worship, you may fill in your name in the Welcome sheet located on the table